DBMS_PIPE is an Oracle PL/SQL package that provides a mechanism for inter-process communication within the database. It allows different sessions to exchange data by writing to and reading from a pipe, a temporary memory area. This is particularly useful for implementing messaging systems or for synchronizing processes within the database.

Key features include:

  • Send_Message: Allows a session to send data into a pipe.
  • Receive_Message: Enables another session to retrieve data from the pipe.
  • Timeouts: Supports waiting for a specified duration when reading messages.
  • Flexible Data Types: Permits passing various data types in messages.

The DBMS_PIPE package is a versatile tool for coordinating services written in different programming languages. By acting as a messaging mechanism, it allows Oracle sessions to exchange data with external services in real-time. For instance, you can use DBMS_PIPE to send a request from the Oracle database to a service written in PHP, facilitating seamless integration between the database and the external application.

In this entry, we will explore an example of how to command a remote service written in PHP using pipes for communication.

Private and public pipes.

In DBMS_PIPE, pipes can be either private or public, which determines their visibility and accessibility. A private pipe is only accessible within the session that created it, making it ideal for scenarios where communication is confined to a single user or process. In contrast, a public pipe can be accessed by multiple sessions, enabling inter-session communication and coordination between different users or processes. By default, pipes are public unless explicitly defined as private. Proper management of pipe access and security is essential when working with public pipes to avoid unauthorized usage or data conflicts.

A basic sample of setting up, using and removing a pipe.

The following snippet demonstrates the fundamental usage of DBMS_PIPE.

   write_result  INTEGER;
   read_result   INTEGER;
   message       VARCHAR2(100);
   pipe_name     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'MY_PIPE';
   -- Step 1: Create the pipe
          pipename    => pipe_name,
          maxpipesize => 10240,
          private     => FALSE
       ) = 0 THEN
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Pipe created successfully.');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Failed to create pipe.');
   END IF;

   -- Step 2: Write to the pipe
   write_result := DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE('Hello from Oracle!');
   write_result := DBMS_PIPE.SEND_MESSAGE(pipe_name);

   IF write_result = 0 THEN
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message sent successfully.');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Failed to send message.');
   END IF;

   -- Step 3: Read from the pipe
   read_result := DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(
                     pipename => pipe_name,
                     timeout  => 10 -- Wait up to 10 seconds for a message

   IF read_result = 0 THEN
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message received: ' || message);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Failed to receive message or timeout occurred.');
   END IF;

   -- Step 4: Remove the pipe
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Pipe removed successfully.');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Failed to remove pipe.');
   END IF;

DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE is used to add data to a pipe before sending it. You can pack multiple pieces of data (of various types) into a single message, which will then be sent as a unit using DBMS_PIPE.SEND_MESSAGE.

DBMS_PIPE.UNPACK_MESSAGE retrieves data from a pipe after receiving a message using DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE. If the message contains multiple pieces of data, they can be unpacked in the same order they were packed.

To list the pipes previously created in an Oracle database, you can query the V$DB_PIPES dynamic performance view. This view contains information about all currently existing pipes in the database.


Commanding a remote PHP service.

In the following steps, we will demonstrate how to send a request to a PHP service using DBMS_PIPE. The process involves a PL/SQL package to send a message from the database to a pipe and a PHP script that listens to the pipe, processes the request, and provides a response.

This approach is based on a real-world application I developed to dynamically interact with external APIs. It facilitated seamless integration with third-party systems and legacy applications, streamlining communication and extending the functionality of existing systems.

create or replace PACKAGE BODY SII AS

  Procedure CreateSIIPipe  AS
    n           number;
      n := DBMS_PIPE.CREATE_PIPE(pipe_name);
      dbms_output.put_line('Pipe ' || pipe_name || ' created.  ' || to_char(n));
    END CreateSIIPipe;

  Procedure SendSIIPipe(cCommand in varchar2)  AS
    n           number;
    n := DBMS_PIPE.SEND_MESSAGE(pipe_name);
  end SendSIIPipe;

  Procedure RemoveSIIPipe  AS
    n           number;
      n := DBMS_PIPE.REMOVE_PIPE(pipe_name);
      dbms_output.put_line('Pipe ' || pipe_name || ' removed.  ' || to_char(n));
    END RemoveSIIPipe;

  Procedure SIIRequest(VATSender in number, IssuedReleased in varchar2, Invoice in varchar2) is
    n           number;
    Request   varchar2(200);
      Request := '{"VATSender":"' || trim(to_char(VATSender)) || '"';
      Request := Request || ', "IssuedReleased":"' || IssuedReleased || '"';
      Request := Request || ', "Invoice":"' || Invoice || '"}';
    END SIIRequest;

  Procedure SIIStopService is
  end SIIStopService;

create or replace PACKAGE SII AS 

      pipe_name   varchar2(30) := 'SII_PIPE';

  Procedure CreateSIIPipe;
  Procedure SendSIIPipe(cCommand in varchar2);
  Procedure RemoveSIIPipe;
  Procedure SIIRequest(VATSender in number, IssuedReleased in varchar2, Invoice in varchar2);
  Procedure SIIStopService; 


The following PHP script acts a daemon listening request until the command **exit is found.



require 'SIIcore.php';

function DBconnect() {
    $db = "(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <server_name>)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = <sid_name>)))";
    $conn = oci_connect("<user>", "<passwd>", $db);
    if (!$conn) {
       $m = oci_error();
       echo $m['message'], "\n";

echo "Starting SII service...\n";

$conn = DBconnect();
if (!$conn) {
   $m = oci_error();
   echo $m['message'], "\n";
$pipename = 'SII_PIPE';
$n        = 0;
$stid = oci_parse($conn, 'BEGIN :n := DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(:pipe_name); DBMS_PIPE.unpack_message(:message); END;');
oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':n'        , $n);
oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':pipe_name', $pipename);
oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':message', $message, 100);
echo "Connected to DDBB\n";

$stop = false;
while (! $stop) {

   if ($message == '**exit') {
      $stop = true;
   } else {
      $request = json_decode($message);
//      var_dump($request);
      echo "Running request........\n";
      echo "  VATSender.     : " . $request->VATSender . "\n";
      echo "  IssuedReleased : " . $request->IssuedReleased . "\n";
      echo "  Invoice        : " . $request->Invoice . "\n";
      echo "-----------------------\n";
      SII($request->VATSender, $request->IssuedReleased, $request->Invoice);
      echo "\n";

echo "Disconnected from DDBB\n";

echo "SII service is down\n";


Conclusion and a final caveat.

Despite its utility, it’s important to note that DBMS_PIPE is generally not recommended for high-performance systems due to its reliance on in-memory structures and potential contention issues. Alternatives like DBMS_AQ (Advanced Queuing) might be better for complex or high-throughput messaging scenarios.

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