In Oracle database management, optimising table storage is crucial for enhancing performance and efficiently utilising disk space. One powerful tool in an Oracle DBA’s arsenal is the ALTER TABLE SHRINK SPACE COMPACT command, designed to streamline table storage and reclaim unused space. Let’s delve into what this command does and how it can be leveraged effectively.

Understanding the Command

The ALTER TABLE SHRINK SPACE COMPACT command is used to reduce the storage footprint of a table in an Oracle database. When executed, it eliminates unused space within the table’s segments and reorganises them into a more compact form. This process helps reclaim disk space and can lead to improved query performance by reducing I/O overhead.

Key Features:

  1. Non-Disruptive Operation: One significant advantage of the SHRINK SPACE COMPACT command is that it can be executed while the table is still in use. This means that administrators can optimize table storage without impacting ongoing operations or causing downtime for users.
  2. Row Movement: During the execution of the command, rows within the table are shifted towards free space to achieve compactness. This movement ensures that data integrity is maintained throughout the process, as rows are not deleted or modified but merely repositioned within the table.

Example Usage:

Consider a scenario where the ORDERS table in an e-commerce database has accumulated unused space over time, leading to inefficient storage utilization. To address this issue, the following ALTER TABLE command can be executed:


By executing this command, Oracle will analyse the table’s segments, eliminate any unused space, and reorganise the remaining data into a more compact form. This process helps optimize storage utilization and can lead to performance improvements during query execution.

The shrink clause in Oracle allows you to manually reduce the space used by various database objects such as tables, indexes, partitions, and more. It’s an essential tool for managing storage efficiently. However, there are certain considerations and options to be aware of when using this feature.

Firstly, the shrink clause is only valid for segments in tablespaces with automatic segment management. This means that if your database is not configured with automatic segment management, you won’t be able to use the shrink clause.

Additionally, when you use the shrink clause, Oracle Database automatically adjusts the high water mark and releases the recovered space immediately. This process involves moving rows within the segment, so it’s essential to enable row movement for the object you want to shrink before using the clause. If your application has rowid-based triggers, it’s recommended to disable them before issuing the shrink clause to avoid any potential conflicts.

It’s important to note that the shrink clause is not supported on index-organized table (IOT) partition tables. However, for other objects like tables and indexes, you have the option to specify the COMPACT option along with the shrink clause.

When you specify COMPACT, Oracle Database only defragments the segment space and compacts the table rows for future release, but it doesn’t adjust the high water mark immediately. Instead, you’ll need to issue another ALTER TABLE … SHRINK SPACE statement later to complete the operation. This option can be useful if you prefer a two-step shrink operation.


In Oracle database administration, optimising table storage is essential for maintaining performance and managing disk space efficiently. The ALTER TABLE SHRINK SPACE COMPACT command provides a powerful means to achieve this goal, allowing administrators to reclaim unused space and reorganize table segments without disrupting ongoing operations. By leveraging this command effectively, Oracle DBAs can ensure optimal database performance and resource utilisation in their environments.

Implementing the SHRINK SPACE COMPACT command periodically as part of database maintenance routines can help keep Oracle databases running smoothly and efficiently over time.

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